The recipient just has to visit the URL in a browser to view the photos.
It works on iOS 5.1 or later so make sure you upgrade to iOS 5.1.1 (the latest) if you’ve not done already. With a lot of retouching effects, you can actually unleash your creativity and share them all over social networks.

The app has a very beautiful interface that is simple and elegant too. Now, since it’s an Apple product, all you can expect is perfection written all over it. This doesn’t remove the images but simply hides them from the camera roll. All you need to do is tap on the little ‘X’ when you preview images. You can hide images in iPhoto (better than deleting them). Having all the images load on the image preview isn’t cool when you have tons of photos that you would rather not show up along with the rest. This way, you can choose to view just the hidden photos or the edited photos that you’ve “favorited” or flagged. This pulls down a list of options you can choose, and that changes the view. While using iPhoto, if you want to switch between flagged images, favorite images or all of them (or other groups), you can do so by tapping on the top-left corner.
Here are some of the most essential tips that we thought would be very useful for iPhoto on Mac / iOS.

But what if you want to modify a lot of photos at once, or add specific retouching effects to certain photos share a batch and stuff like that? If you’re looking for just an album management tool, the stock Photos app on iPhone/iPad is good enough. Some people usually think that it’s an unnecessary extra. It’s basically an app that’s designed to help you do a lot of things with your photo besides managing them. You can manage, edit, retouch, apply effects and do much more with your photo collection on iPhoto. IPhoto, developed by Apple, is a really great app to do a lot of things with your photo collection.